David on the Run

David on the Run

Once again Saul has given into his hatred and is hunting David. As Saul camped in the wilderness, David once again was given the opportunity to kill Saul, this time in his sleep. But he chooses mercy and calls out to Abner and Saul, chiding Abner and reasoning with Saul. Saul promised to leave him alone, but David, knowing better, fled to the land of Israel’s enemies, gaining favor with Achish, king of Gath.

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1 Samuel 26:7
In yesterday’s episode, we heard how God sent Abigail to intercept David, who had planned to kill her husband Nabal and his men for his disrespect and insults. God was protecting David from spilling blood in a moment of anger, and David was sensitive to God’s leading, choosing to spare Nabal’s life. Abigail, now a widow, was comforted by David, and the two were married, a union blessed by God. Today we’ll find David on the run once again. Though his troubled mind had relented momentarily from pursuing David, King Saul was deeply disturbed, and his jealousy was kindled once more. Our reading today will show us two sides of a very human David – one who resists temptation and trusts God’s timing, and another who gives in to distrust and ventures into dangerous territory.
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