Israel's Return to God

Israel's Return to God

The Ark of God had been returned to Israel, but not every Israelite abandoned their idols, so Samuel spoke to the people, instructing and encouraging them to return to God truly. And they did! But as Israel was worshiping God, the Philistines launched an attack against them. However, this time, Israel sought God on His terms instead of reacting out of fear, and God showed up. All was peaceful in Israel from that time until the day they asked for a King.

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1 Samuel 7:4
In yesterday’s reading, we heard how God punished the Philistines for stealing the ark and attempting to use God for their own benefit. After being afflicted with horrible tumors in two different cities, the terrified Philistines returned the ark and guilt offerings to Israel. The people of God rejoiced and praised God for returning to them. Today we’ll hear how they turn back to God and try to follow Him with the integrity of their heart. They will experience prosperity and success in battle as long as they remain committed to God. But Israel will still be plagued by a desire to be like other nations. They will insist on a king, despite God’s promise to rule over them. God will hear them and though wounded by their rejection, will give them what they want. But they don’t understand what they’re asking or what they will get.
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